My 5 week virtual group coaching program designed to help influencers post content consistently, leverage their influencer value and pitch brands strategically.
Mattie gave me the motivation and confidence to start charging more on campaigns and how to justify my higher rates to brands. She also helped me understand important things to look out for before signing a contract and which small nuances can actually be more money added to my paycheck."
I began to really connect the purpose behind my posts. What message am I trying to get across? What story does this image tell? How can this content be beneficial to other Regal Ladies who come across it? I can attest that working with Mattie has helped build my confidence in this blogging world.”
She also helped me think through HOW I was going to achieve my goals by sharing her expertise and walking me through how to pitch brands. We also talked about the strategy I should have in place when the doors of possibility start to open. From start to finish Mattie helped me think through my goals and put a framework in place for me to proceed with purpose."